Shanghai has quickly emerged as one of the most exciting foodie destinations in the world. And with the popularity of Western brunches with a combination of East meet West, the choices can be overwhelming!
The Asia Collective is a social butterfly and foodie at heart – we’re always out and about in town to discover the Best Cafes in Shanghai you need to add to your must-visit-list!
Happy cafe hopping!
Cuisine: Nordic
Address: 6-7/F, Xintiandi Plaza, 333 Huaihai Zhong Lu, near Huangpi Nan Lu | 淮海中路333号新天地广场6-7楼, 近黄陂南路
Opening Hours: Daily, 10am – 9.30pm | Bar: Mon – Fri, 5.30pm – 12.30am, Sat/Sun, 5.30pm – 1am
Book a Table: +86 021 6339 1993
Whether you’re looking for a quick coffee and pastry or a casual drink with friends, Rye & Co. has something to offer no matter the time of day. Split into two separate spaces, the cafe downstairs sees wooden hues and Nordic dishes, while the bar upstairs houses floor-to-ceiling panoramic windows and a stunning ceiling laden with thousands of shells.
想要随意喝杯咖啡吃些糕点,或是为和朋友闲聊寻找一个去处,Rye & Co. 一 定是您的最佳选择。Rye & Co. 分为两个独立的空间,木质色调的咖啡厅提供 北欧菜肴,酒吧设有落地全景窗户,而酒吧则设有落地全景窗户和铺陈了数 千个贝壳的精美天花板。
Insider Tip: Get 1-for-1 cocktails at Rye & Co with Hungry in Shanghai, one of the best cafes in Shanghai.

Cuisine: Wine Bar/ Cafe
Address: 58 Wuyuan Lu, near Changshu Lu | 五原路58号, 近常熟路
Opening Hours: Daily, 8am – late
Book a Table: +135 0172 6412
Instagram: @bitterinshanghai
Sister to Bird, Bitter is the equally-stylish counterpart focusing on daytime coffee and evening aperitifs. The venue serves as a welcoming and relaxing space, while a biweekly rotating menu and chalkboard specials provide patrons with everything they need – all day, every day – in this go-to spot.
Bitter 是 Bird 的姊妹店,装修风格与 Bird 一样时髦,不过 Bitter 更专注于白 天的咖啡和晚间的开胃酒。这是一个温馨而轻松的空间,两周更换一次的菜 单,还有每日特价菜品,为食客提供一整天的美食。
Insider Tip: Receive two complimentary desserts at Bird with Hungry in Shanghai, and many more privileges across the best cafes in Shanghai.

Cuisine: Cafe
Address:12 Xiangyang Bei Lu, near Julu Lu | 襄阳北路12号, 近巨鹿路
Opening Hours: Daily, 8 am – 6.30 pm
Instagram: @eggshanghai
Egg is your cheerful neighbourhood cafe that specialises in artfully created and photogenic all-day breakfast items, ranging from avocado toast to corn fritters. With great coffee, tasty baked goods and more, you can look forward to a snug experience and expect to feel right at home in this alluring little cafe. While most dishes come with an egg, there are also vegetarian and vegan options available too.
Egg 是您的快乐专属社区咖啡馆,供应全天候早餐,比如牛油果吐司和玉米天 妇罗,食物造型和摆盘都充满艺术感,非常适合拍照。您还可以品尝美味的咖 啡和烘焙食品等。虽然空间不大,这里能给您带来宾至如归的体验。虽然大多 数菜肴都配有鸡蛋,但也可以选择素食或纯素。
Insider Tip: Receive a complimentary “put an egg on it” on any main course at EGG with Hungry in Shanghai, and other unique dining privileges across the best cafes in shanghai.

Cuisine: Cafe
Address: 227 Yongjia Lu, near Shaanxi Nan Lu | 永嘉路227号1号, 近陕西南路
Opening Hours: Daily, 8.30 am – 10 pm
Book a Table: +86 137 6461 6126
Instagram: @hugohusky
A lovely and quaint three-storey cafe that features vintage décor and great attention to detail with bright flowers placed throughout the venue. With food offerings ranging from classic brunch dishes to zesty lemon tarts, Hugo Husky House is a super relaxing and welcoming space that is also dog-friendly!
Hugo Husky House 是一家漂亮而古朴的三层咖啡厅,拥有复古的装饰,这里 注重细节的打造,鲜花遍布了整个场地。同时,这里还提供各种美食,包括 经典早午餐和美味柠檬挞。环境温馨轻松,还可以携带宠物狗入内!
Insider Tip: Receive 15% off the bill at Hugo Husky with Hungry in Shanghai, one of the best cafes in Shanghai.

Cuisine: Healthy
Address: 108 Xiangyang Bei Lu, near Xinle Lu | 襄阳北路108号1楼, 近新乐路
Opening Hours: Daily, 8 am – 10 pm
Book a Table: +86 021 3669 6080
Instagram: @mokabros
You can look forward to a fast-casual atmosphere at Moka Bros, where healthy dishes are transformed with a more affordable approach. The menu features wholesome dishes made with fresh ingredients – including salads, smoothies and wraps in generous portion sizes. Take a seat on a beanbag and relish in the good vibes only atmosphere.
想要一顿便捷轻松的美味?来 Moka Bros 就对了!这里提供新鲜食材制作而 成的健康佳肴,如沙拉、奶昔、卷饼等,并且分量十足、经济实惠,赶快坐 在豆袋椅上,好好放松,享受一下美妙的氛围吧。
Insider Tip: Receive 10% off the bill at Mokas Bros and other unique dining privileges with Hungry in Shanghai, featuring the 40 best restaurants and cafes in Shanghai.

Cuisine: Cafe
Address: 110 Yongjia Lu, near Jiashan Lu | 徐汇区永嘉路110号,近嘉善路
Opening Hours: Daily, 7:30am – 9pm
Book a Table: +86 021 6209 2952
Instagram: @mokabros
On a street lined with rustling green trees, the scent of freshly baked bread gently wafts through. Breathing new life into the word “cafe”, O’Mills Artisan Bakery & Restaurant is a beautiful two-storey space where you can enjoy an all-day brunch (featuring handmade sourdough bread, sourdough pizza and more) or check out their new tapas menu for dinner.
在一条绿树成荫的街道上,这家店里的面包新鲜出炉,香味弥漫在整条街道 上。O’Mills Artisan Bakery & Restaurant 重新定义了面包房,这是一个迷人的 两层楼,您可以在这里全天享用早午餐(包括手工制作的酵母面包、酵母披萨 等),晚上,您也可以试试他们家新推出的小吃菜单。
Insider Tip: Get 1-for-1 house wines at O’Mills Artisan Bakery and other unique privileges with Hungry in Shanghai, featuring the 40 best restaurants and cafes in Shanghai.

Cuisine: Cafe
Address: 256 Jianguo Xi Lu, near Jiashan Lu | 建国西路256号, 近嘉善路 & 99 Xianxia Lu, L’Avenue, L115, near Zunyi Nan Lu | 中国上海, 仙霞路99号尚嘉中心L115, 近遵义南路
Opening Hours: Daily, 7:30 am – 9:30 pm
Book a Table: +86 021 3356 0520
Instagram: @ohaeatery
Looking for a certain je ne sais quoi? Head over to the ever-popular Pain Chaud and you’ll find a heavenly slice of Paris in Shanghai. Pain Chaud serves up an amazing array of French artisanal bread, baked goods, pastries, salads, ice cream and coffee that will take care of any craving you might have. Though small, Pain Chaud makes for a comfortable break from exploring the city and provides great fuel to keep you going!
想要一种妙不可言的用餐体会?前往 Pain Chaud,您就能与上海的巴黎来 一场优雅的邂逅。Pain Chaud 供应各种各样的法国手工面包、烘焙食品、糕 点、沙拉、冰淇淋和咖啡,这里能满足您的所有美味欲望。虽然空间不大, 但是这里能让您享受片刻惬意,补充能量后继续探索这座城市!
Insider Tip: Receive 25 RMB off the bill at Pain Chaud with Hungry in Shanghai, one of the best cafes in Shanghai.